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Community Garden
Custer Community School Garden
Rules and Regulations 6/2022
Agreement and Fee. Before you start to tend your plot, you must have signed the application, rules and regulation and paid your fee. ($30.00 for 2022- checks payable to CAEDC Foundation)
The Garden Board has the duty of enforcing rules, regulations and making decisions for the garden. They have authority to resolve conflicts, including refusing a plot to a gardener or dismissing a current gardener.
The garden is open from dawn to dusk seven days a week. The combination for the keypad will be given to members and will be changed annually or as needed.
a. Gardeners must provide their own tools.
b. Close & lock the gate after use.
c. Notify a garden board member of illegal activity.
d. Friends and family members are permitted into the garden but are under your supervision and must adhere to rules and regulations.
e. Pets are not allowed in the garden; however, it does not apply to service animals.
f. Children under 14 must always be supervised while in the garden.
g. Garden meetings and events happen throughout the year; we encourage you to participate.
h. Smoking, chewing tobacco, and open flames are not allowed in the garden.
i. Threatening or abusive behavior is not tolerated at the garden. -
Plots have been marked for the reason of individual plot recognition. Please do not move the markers.
Custer Community School Gardens prohibit alcohol, cannabis and other illegal substances.
Community garden, members are expected:
- To keep the garden and surrounding area in good maintenance.
- To manage weeding and upkeep of their plot, along with the immediate area.
Use of non-organic pesticides or fertilizers is not allowed. Use of such weed killers will result in forfeiting your plot. No refund.
Plots may be arranged to the tender’s whim, but certain regulations do apply:
a. In ground plots may not rise above 18 inches from the path but can be delineated with timbers or other materials.
b. No permanent structures are permitted (concrete, bricks and mortar).
c. All structures must not disturb or shade another plot. -
Plot tenders are responsible for the maintenance and harvesting of their plot.
- Watering, weeding, harvesting and any other garden related maintenance are all the responsibility of the gardener.
- Plot tenders may take home any produce they harvest for their family. Trading between plot tenders is allowed. If a plot is not harvested while the food is ripe the plot owner must relinquish rights to the produce and the produce will be taken to a food bank.
- Plot tenders must arrange for other plot tenders to watch over their plot while they aregone.
- Drip lines and soaker hoses can be used but gardener must be present (no timers) in their usage.
- Notify garden board if leaks or water concerns arise.
Make sure all water spigots are off when you leave the garden.
Garbage/trash needs be removed from the site by the tender.
The rules and regulations are in place so the Community School Garden can grow, provide a healthy community atmosphere, and function as a pleasant place to garden.
If a violation(s) occurs, the following will be the Garden Boards action:
- The plot tender will receive a warning in the mail. The warning will have the details of the violation and the deadline set for the plot tender to fix the problem.
- If the problem is not fixed by the deadline included in the warning, the garden board will issue a second warning to be mailed to the violator. This warning will detail the violation, the deadline for fixing the problem, as well as the consequence of ignoring the warning, which is plot forfeit and no refund. Plot will be reassigned.